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Cold Bandages

Cold Bandages

Consumers’ reviews: (4)

Treatment enriched with plant extracts and hypothermic actives, which decrease body temperature (in the treated areas) from 3 to 5 degrees, increassing fat metabolism and reducing body fat mass volume. To get best results, mix 2 parts Cold Bandage liquid with 1 of water.

How to get rid of cellulite?

It is as question that we often wonder... How to get rid of this unsightly cellulite? Below, we give you some advices to prevent its appearance and to fight it in an efficient way.

Eat a healthy diet: balanced, rich in fibres, fruits and vegetables and poor in carbohydrates and saturated fats to avoid the cellulite to locate on body areas where it uses to appear (stomach, thighs, buttocks...).

Practise a daily physical activity : following a balanced diet is not enough if we do not help our body to keep fit and to eliminate the excesses.

Help yourself with specific treatments for its elimination: like Cellu Modelage, which helps to burn localised fat and to get rid of orange-peel skin or Cold Bandages, which improve the fat metabolism, reducing its volume. But do not content yourself with eliminating cellulite, you should also recover the skin firmness and elasticity with the help of Firming Cream.

Benefits of a moisturizer for skin cares:

Two thirds of our skin are made of water. Throughout the day, and due to external agents such as the sun, the cold or the wind, our skin is becoming dehydrated, loosing its firmness and its softness. In addition to be unsightly, a dry skin can bother provocating tauntess and irritation.

To avoid it, you should use a moisturising cream that impedes the appearance of wrinkles, flabbiness or stains and gives the skin back its uniform look and smooth texture. A good hydrating cream should be highly nourishing but also non-greasy and quick to act. To strengthen its rejuvenating effect and to recover elasticity, you can use creams with extraordinary properties such as a Body Milk with Aloe Vera or a Body Milk with collagen.

Cold Bandages


Cold Bandages
Cold Bandage 500ml EAN: 8431332263658

Units per pack

Blister: 6 x 500ml.
CTN: 24 x 500ml.

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